Pretty impressed with what they do nowadays for orientation... maybe it's because this is an all-working-adults uni, that's why they don't have things like 'Orientation Groups lead by OGLs'.
In fact, it was just a simple affair during the afternoon from 1pm - 530pm.
There was a goodie bag waiting for me at the registration counter.
A file consisting of some items in it.
There's even a $10 NTUC voucher..
A donut. I wonder why.
SIM notebook
A name card holder. hmm... i shall bring this to office and use it.
The orientation took place in a hall with some activities like simple icebreaker, identity game, lucky draws and etc.
The top prize was the Asus EEEpc, can you believe it?
But alas, it wasn't meant to be mine.... (never was lucky in these lucky draws)
Once the whole event ended, we went out for some refreshments at the Atrium.
There are some fringe activities going on as well.
Got these 2 for free as I had 2 coupons.
Sign up for some HP survey and I got a HP goodies pack.
HP had a booth selling 2 laptop models at student price.
With the kind of specs that they are offering, I was quite tempted to get the high end model at $1649.
The other model is the entry level model at $1299.
The ger was tempted too.
In the end, we both agreed that we don't need to get it yet, hence no impulse buy was done.
Anyway, the offer is until end of 2008, I can still consider... hmm....
After which I went to collect a sch polo tee.
And finally, my course materials.
FYI, I will be going for 4 core modules and 1 core elective this semester.
Not sure if that's really a clever choice but I thought this would be a good time to clear more now than later when I run out of steam or have more projects later on in work.
Had to bring all these back.. it's not very light.
Core Elective - Effective Communication
Business Module - Organisation Behaviour
Business Module - Management

IT Module - Foundations in Modern System Design
IT Module - System Modelling in Object-Oriented Design and Analysis.
Time to start sch soon..
hmm... how will I fare...
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