Thursday, June 26, 2008

Family day on 16 - 17th August 08

ok... It's family day again... time to bring your family out on a weekend to relax..

fully sponsored by the company..

so this means i can bring the ger for the 3rd family day together... free trip just go loh.. haha...
2006 - Bintan Lagoon Resort (Indonesia)
2007 - Pulai Springs Resort (Johor, Msia)

so where r we heading to this time round....??

BATAM.... it's back to Indonesia again... (is this like a loop.. next yr msia again?)
we will be staying at HolidayInn Batam
From the website, it looks not bad...
Not that i am expecting alot from it... after going through 2 family days.. i can understand why alot of people don really like to go for family day...

For me... i am just hoping that the place looks nice.. give me a nice room... n some good food...
maybe some activities that i can do.. or maybe some shopping for the ger
that's all... simple as that... 2D1N leh.. wat can u do with so many competitors?

it is always very messy trying to co-ordinate few hundred people (includ family members) for such trips... the rooms, transport (land, sea, land again)... normally it will cock up 1 lah...
so forgive them ok..? haha !!

but last yr was really bad sia...
the place suck... because there's nothing to do there.. except to play golf or to swim with your kids.. some activities were organised by the committee but with too many ppl around.. it is nv gonna be your turn...
So what did i do? i still rem ok... becos it was so simple..
- reach there, check in, n eat lunch... food sux...
- stay in the room n watch tv the whole afternoon cos it rained.. besides, there's nothing to do anyway
- came out for dinner, eat some lousy dinner, drank with my colleagues (limited barrels, damn it). It was sucky.. so go back room to watch tv again...
- woke up next morning, eat lousy breakfast... sibei tulanz already... so went home after that.. lucky i rode there.. so we just packed up and rode back home...

this time round, i hope that 2 of us can have a good time.. no cock ups... n enjoyable... (ok ok... at least give me something nice to eat can??)
if not want to go home also cannot ah ~~~~
then i will $@#@#$ KPKB again on Monday morning...

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