Monday, June 23, 2008

My Renthal handlerbar is here !!

Weather for the day: Sunny and Cloudy

yeah.. its here, its here!!!
My Renthal handlebar is here...
Took this on my office floor...

Not so clear this pic.. lousy camera phone i have...
It's from Royal Mail, UK. I got this online.

Feeling excited about my new toy..
went to K&T to fix it up....
Before Fixing

After Fixing

Closed up view - Before

Closed up view - After

So why did I do such a boliao thing and change my handlebar?
Too much $$ ?? hmm... few reasons lah...

- Just want modify my bike for fun, dono y but i just feel the need to change something every now and then..
- This handlebar is lower and it makes riding more comfortable for me.. the original was too high.. but i still managed to use it for 2 years... *duhz*
- You can corner faster and lower with this handlebar.. muwahaha..!! *this is the real reason*
(this model is Road Bike Low, wanted to get the ultra-low but the seller was kind enough to inform me that it does hit the tank at full lock.)
- Not sure if this is going to help when I go touring.. seems like it vibrates more now... maybe because there's no balancers. The motovation balancers that I had were really heavy and good.

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