Saturday, November 20, 2010

Anime Festival Asia X - Day 2

Day 2 here I come ~~ Body was still aching from the previous day's activities.. walking around, taking photos for a day can be real tiring.. but I believe passion can overcome tiredness...

Got this the previous day, no Q-ing today!
Surprisingly, the first activity for the day is Meet and Greet: Aira
She is a popular cosplayer over in Japan
Of course, you get to take photos with them during the session
Cosplay Photography workshop by Valefor Ho
Sponsored by Canon
His cosplay photography works are excellent
Check it out @ 
Went to see the regional cosplay competition after that. Half the day was actually spent looking at competition or talks. I didn't even see Kaname at all during these 2 days. Not until the competition started where he was one of the judges... but he was too far from me.....
All these were taken with my 45-200 lens, ISO1600 due to the extreme darkness. At ISO1600, it is barely useable.
Team Malaysia
Team Thailand
Team Singapore
Team Indonesia
Forgot to take team Philippines's photo.
Kaname and Aira as part of the judging panel
3rd prize - Team Singapore
Presented by Alodia
2nd Prize - Team Indonesia
Presented by Aira
Winners - Team Thailand
Presented by Kaname
As usual, spent rest of the time hunting for cosplayers, never seemed to get enough of them. It looks like they were re-sprouting from somewhere. This time round, level 2 was freed up for all the cosplayers to present themselves. The backdrop is better, there are more light. Hall 404 is still available, but the lighting was worst then yesterday. Looks like only a quarter of the lights were available today, trying to save electricity perhaps?
Check out the crowd on level 2
These are some of my fav photos for day 2.
Not sure what is she cosplaying.. but I like her attire
Pretty cool Wig
kiss X sis
I think she is a pokemon.
Like the reflection that was created on the floor, angle could be better though.
Always had a thing for red stuff
Zabimaru & Tobi-hime
I thought Zabimaru really looked like the real one.. lol..
Snow Miku
Can you believe this is done by a guy?
Tons of weapons!
Like this angle
Surprisingly, nobody else like this in my fb.. lol..
(maybe its just me...)
Lenne & Yuna from FFX-2
Trying again.. didn't have the same effect though.. lol..
Sailor Moon
Damn classic!
K-On! girls from Animax
Didn't had enough time, because I need to go for the IloveAnisong Concert!
Didn't take photos in the beginning because they said "No Photography Allowed". Missed out on taking a shot of Angela. The vocalist has a unique range of vocals. Very impressive. I like her dou ying (how do you say that in English?).

The part which irritated alot of folks was the setting up of equipments for the next show, no prizes for guessing when you see drums, speakers, etc being setup.. it took around 20 mins before the whole setup was done. I guess this part can be better dealt with. From feeling high from Angela's performance to a all time low of sitting on the floor while waiting... Until Scandal came out...
Wooping 12 songs straight from them
She has such nice vocals
Rest of the photos can be seen here: AFAX Day 2
To know what songs were sung :

How I feel about this event after 2 days:
1.) Had a blast at the ILoveAniSong concert, didn't expect it to be such fun even though I was standing most of the time. Guess that is the thing with live concerts, the mood and atmosphere. Hopefully, the Luna Sea concert will be the same too!
2.) The event hall seemed to be smaller this year, or were there more people this time round? An estimated 71,000 people attended this event. However, I feel that the number of participating stalls seemed to be lesser this time round. Some stalls seemed to be either shabbily made this time round or does not even have a  proper signboard.
3.) I think more space is needed for this type of event, Suntec looked like it could hardly hold all the people. Marina Bays Sands Convention Hall seems to be a good place, better lighting and nicer backdrops.
4.) Looks like the number of cosplayers increased this year. Kudos to them for participating in this event!
5.) Rumour says that AFA will not be in Singapore next year. That is sad news. Hopefully, they can reconsider this.

- where will AFA XI be? -

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